The Catalyst Perspectives Group
The folks listed below have found the perspectives and connections offered by this website sufficiently of interest that they have willingly added their names to The CPG People List and would welcome connecting with you in a conversation. They've offered a brief description of their experience and interests and their preferred method of being contacted.
These folks are regular people for whom these topics are important to their daily work and are relevant for how they are transforming their own organization. But, these people are not "consultants or service providers". Those professional talkers are listed in The Group.
It goes without saying but, we'll say it anyway. Please be professional and polite. These folks are interested in productive discussions about issues that will help them (and you) have a positive impact on their own organization as well as help others by considering different perspectives.
If you have any comments or suggestions about "the list" or would like to be added to it, please let us know.
There are plenty of organizations that stand out for various reasons that anyone can learn from. Some, we have worked with directly and lots of others we have heard about from other folks. We've listed some of them on The CPG List of Outstanding Organizations. We've offered a brief description of what makes them standout from our perspective and included a link to their website so you can learn more.
Where possible and when appropriate, we've included the contact information of a colleague at the organization. These folks are eager to connect with others and share what makes their organization outstanding and want to hear your perspective about your organization.
If you have any comments or suggestions about "the list" or would like to suggest an addition to it, please let us know.
Wegmans is based in my town and I shop at one of several stores nearby multiple times each week. So I'm biased but, Wegmans is an outstanding company on so many levels. A few highlights:
The books listed on The CPG Book List are just a few of the amazing books we've found worth reading. As with The CPG Video List, we don't pretend to offer a remotely comprehensive list. Rather, we've highlighted books that have contributed to shaping our perspectives.
You will undoubtedly notice that some of the books on our list are from the last millennium. Please consider these references to be classic and timelessly insightful texts rather than outdated ideas. Please also keep in mind that we have been reading for a long time.
If you have any comments or suggestions about "the list" or have a book suggestion, please let us know.
The videos listed on The CPG Video List includes our top favorites of all time. As with The CPG Book List, we don't pretend to offer a remotely comprehensive list. Rather, we've highlighted videos that are so good that we enjoy (and always learn from) by watching them multiple times.
You will undoubtedly notice that some of the videos on our list are from the last millennium. Please be grateful that we haven't included slide or overhead presentations that are part of our cherished past.
We apologize that, for too many, we can't offer you a link that takes you directly to a copy of the video that you can view. We have attempted to offer enough details about the video that you may be able to locate a copy through your own clever devices.
If you have any comments or suggestions about "the list" or have a favorite video suggestion, please let us know.
No description needed. Watch it and your mind will explode...with all the stuff you will learn about evolution.