The Catalyst Perspectives Group
To varying degrees any living thing grows in size and develops differentiated structures and systems that provide specific functions at different times during the organisms life-cycle. Multicellular organisms follow a species-specific process that is controlled and calibrated to transform the organism from a fertilized egg through to adulthood. This process shapes what parts are where and how large the individual becomes so that it is well adapted for its setting.
Potentially, any organization can follow an analogous process of growth and development that ensures its success. Is your organization following a comprehensive plan that guides your activities to ensure that that your size and organizational-attributes are calibrated for you business conditions?
The essays in this section will consider:
A: Homeotic genes
Q: What are genes that control the pattern of body formation during early embryonic development of organisms?
Homeotic genes are just one type of genetic material found in all living things that acts as the plan for developing and operating a living thing. These specific genes are found in all plants, animals and fungi (and even slime molds). Homeotic genes direct cells to form various parts of the body. A homeotic protein can activate one gene but turn-off another, producing effects that are complementary and necessary for the ordered development of an organism.
Given the effectiveness, and exquisite elegance with which genes shape living things, it feels like presenting a pale shadow to suggest that there is something that humans could design that is comparable. However, an organization's Strategic Plan can serve a similar seminal role in shaping an organization.
Does your organization have a comprehensive plan to guide its growth and development?
Is the topic for this essay one that you are interested in? If yes, please let me know and I'll push it up the "to do" list and finish the essay for posting.
Of course, to make this a discussion, the reader (aka you) will need to offer your perspective. I'll add your comments directly to this section of the essay (or correct or edit other parts as needed). I'll take the liberty to edit lightly if appropriate and will include your contact information to encourage continued discussion.
A: Salt glands, baleen, flower development, contractile vacuoles
Q: What are specialized parts essential for functions that make Marine Iguana, Whalebone Whales, Angiosperms, and Paramecium superbly adapted to their setting.
Whether through convergent, divergent or conservative evolutionary mechanisms, natural selection has shaped the genetic blueprint of all living things. The evolutionary process produces the right parts in the right places.
Organizations too must be able to differentiate their performance and products to meet and exceed the needs and expectations of their customers in a way that represents outstanding value.
Does your organization have the specialized forms and functions needed to excel in your setting?
Is the topic for this essay one that you are interested in? If yes, please let me know and I'll push it up the "to do" list and finish the essay for posting.
Of course, to make this a discussion, the reader (aka you) will need to offer your perspective. I'll add your comments directly to this section of the essay (or correct or edit other parts as needed). I'll take the liberty to edit lightly if appropriate and will include your contact information to encourage continued discussion.
A: Blue Whale, Argentinosaurus, A Quacking Aspen, An Armillaria
Q: What are the largest marine animal, land animal, plant and fungi that have ever lived?
Larger animals lose far less body heat and don't need to rely as much on consuming high calorie food and can live in places that have large fluctuations in heat and cold because they control their own temperature so well. They also can use their size for defense and are more likely to be the predator rather than the prey.
By contrast, smaller animals have access to a greater variety of potential food items and can more easily fit into a setting that offers less physical space. But, a smaller animal does have higher relative energy needs and are more likely to be the food item for a larger organism.
Is your organization big (or small) enough to leverage the advantageous of being the right size or is it struggling to fit in amongst organizations of different sizes that are performing better in your business niche?
Is the topic for this essay one that you are interested in? If yes, please let me know and I'll push it up the "to do" list and finish the essay for posting.
Of course, to make this a discussion, the reader (aka you) will need to offer your perspective. I'll add your comments directly to this section of the essay (or correct or edit other parts as needed). I'll take the liberty to edit lightly if appropriate and will include your contact information to encourage continued discussion.