The Catalyst Perspectives Group
Living things are comprised of cells. An individual cell performs an assortment of basic functions that are essential for life. Some living things are comprised of multiple cells. In multi-cellular organisms, the cells are specialized to perform specific functions. However, collectively, the cells of a multi-cellular organism perform all the functions that are essential for life.
The employees of an organization can be thought of as the cells of a living thing. A simple organization comprised of one individual must be able to perform all the functions that are needed. By contrast, an organization comprised of many individuals can have specialized functions performed by different assemblages of individuals. And yet, collectively, the employees of a multi-person organization must perform all of the functions that are needed to allow the organization to perform and prosper.
The essays in this section will consider:
A: The basic functions that must be performed by any living thing to survive.
Q: What are...keep the inside stuff in, the outside stuff out, transform energy, manage everything and replicate?
Any and all unicellular or multicellular organism must perform the same basic functions to survive. These essential functions include transforming energy to fuel living-processes, managing all these processes and self-replication.
Every organization, from a one person operation to a large corporation with thousands of employees, must perform a vital few functions effectively to ensure its survival. Most activities for any organization are associated with the ability to acquire and transform monetary energy. When compared with the energy acquisition and use for any living thing, organizations don't have the benefit of billions of years of evolution! Frequently, these energy acquiring processes have been or still are being developed by the organization itself and have yet to be fully tested in the selective milieu of the market place.
How well is your organization performing the most vital functions required to sustain it?
Is the topic for this essay one that you are interested in? If yes, please let me know and I'll push it up the "to do" list and finish the essay for posting.
Of course, to make this a discussion, the reader (aka you) will need to offer your perspective. I'll add your comments directly to this section of the essay (or correct or edit other parts as needed). I'll take the liberty to edit lightly if appropriate and will include your contact information to encourage continued discussion.
A: Specialized functions that may need to be be performed by some single cell organisms.
Q: What are...motility, photosynthesis, conjugation and water balance?
Arguably, unicellular organizations are the most successful form of living things. They have been around for billions of years and remain an integral part of ecosystems today.
If your organization is a single person operation...there are many functions that you must perform. If you aren' better have figured out why you can do without or have find another source.
Do you have the right selection and a sustainable balance of your activities or are you carrying too big a load and are doomed for failure?
Is the topic for this essay one that you are interested in? If yes, please let me know and I'll push it up the "to do" list and finish the essay for posting.
Of course, to make this a discussion, the reader (aka you) will need to offer your perspective. I'll add your comments directly to this section of the essay (or correct or edit other parts as needed). I'll take the liberty to edit lightly if appropriate and will include your contact information to encourage continued discussion.
A: Key functions performed by specialized systems of cells in multicellular animals because of the size and complexity of the organism.
Q: What are... the neurological & sensory, skeletal & muscular, endocrine, immune & lymphatic, digestive & excretory, and circulatory systems?
Although it is a different form of living thing responding to many different selective pressures, multicellular plants are also composed of organs, tissues, and cells with highly specialized functions performed by two distinct organ systems (i.e., shoot, root).
As organizations grow, they can and must differentiate to be able to perform the full breadth of functions required. These functions may change as the organization grows and during the business cycle inherent in that industry. This growth and specialization must be done in a coordinated and integrated manner and commensurate with the overall ability of the organization to secure the resources it needs.
When do you need a specialist to do something? Does your Jack of all trades approach mean you really know jack about the approach that's really needed for your trade?
Is the topic for this essay one that you are interested in? If yes, please let me know and I'll push it up the "to do" list and finish the essay for posting.
Of course, to make this a discussion, the reader (aka you) will need to offer your perspective. I'll add your comments directly to this section of the essay (or correct or edit other parts as needed). I'll take the liberty to edit lightly if appropriate and will include your contact information to encourage continued discussion.
A: They are not self-replicating or self-sustaining but, they can evolve and create conditions that replicates their genes.
Q: Why are viruses not exactly a living thing but, clearly not a non-living thing?
One could argue that all a virus is, is the message that describes what it is. A virus that is better able to share the message of what it is will survive, be replicated and continue to evolve.
Does an organization actually exist if all it can do is promulgate the essence of what it is by directing the actions of others to express that message?
Is the topic for this essay one that you are interested in? If yes, please let me know and I'll push it up the "to do" list and finish the essay for posting.
Of course, to make this a discussion, the reader (aka you) will need to offer your perspective. I'll add your comments directly to this section of the essay (or correct or edit other parts as needed). I'll take the liberty to edit lightly if appropriate and will include your contact information to encourage continued discussion.