The Catalyst Perspectives Group
The varying habitability of places on earth are broadly characterized as biomes. There are terrestrial (land) and aquatic (water) biomes. For terrestrial biomes, these regions vary based on the climate (i.e., precipitation and temperature). This variation results in conditions that favor different assortments of plants which, in turn, shape the other living things that inhabit that biome. The gradual variation within any given biome creates smaller areas, habitats, that are suited to a unique assortment of living things. The habitat of a species can be thought of as its home, that is where it lives.
Organizations that have a distinct physical presence, must be adapted for existence within the biological biome where they are. In addition, the organization must be properly situated within what can be described as an organizational biome. There are a variety of factors that directly impact organizations that ultimately determine "where" the organization should be located. Of paramount importance is this determination are the needs and expectations of the customers they are serving and the characteristics of the products and services they provide. Is your organization operating in the correct biome to be able to meet the needs and expectations of your customers?
The essays in this section will consider:
A: Tropical Rain Forest, Temperate Deciduous Forest, Boreal Forest (Tiaga), Savanna, Temperate Grassland, Tundra and Dessert
Q: What is the relative primary productivity of biomes (most to least)?
The higher energy available as a result of more primary productivity enables some settings to support a greater number and wider variety of organisms. Conversely, when there is less primary productivity there is less energy to support living things and the diversity of species is much lower. Across all biomes, the organisms and community composition has been shaped by evolution and are adapted in form & function to and the diversity reflects, the resources that the biome can support.
Organizations have two sets of challenges related to the biomes that they are adapted to occupy. First, organizations must be positioned in the appropriate biological biome and respond to the selective pressures exerted on their biological constraints. In addition, organizations must be aligned to the financial resources engendered by the setting and circumstances of the business-biome where they have chosen to operate. Does your organization inhabit the right biome for the products and services you offer?
Is the topic for this essay one that you are interested in? If yes, please let me know and I'll push it up the "to do" list and finish the essay for posting.
Of course, to make this a discussion, the reader (aka you) will need to offer your perspective. I'll add your comments directly to this section of the essay (or correct or edit other parts as needed). I'll take the liberty to edit lightly if appropriate and will include your contact information to encourage continued discussion.
A: Over-consumption, deforestation, climate-change, and pollution & contamination.
Q: What are negative human impacts that are altering the water cycle and degrading the quality and availability of water for living things?
The characteristics of water and functions it performs makes it an essential component that it enables life to exist. Water fills cells and maintain cell shape and structure. Water is a metabolite involved in many biochemical reactions and is essential for the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Water is a solvent and transports and reacts with other chemicals within cells. Water's high heat capacity and latent heat of vaporization makes it vital for thermoregulation. Non-human living things are exquisitely adapted and aligned to the water cycle through which water moves and is transformed on, in and above the earth.
To varying degrees, every organization depends on water to function. At a minimum an organization needs sufficient safe water for direct use by employees. But, in many sectors, water is an essential component used for the production and/or delivery of products and services. Do the actions of your organization use life-giving water sustainably and enable organizational-operations to be a positive part of the water cycle?
Is the topic for this essay one that you are interested in? If yes, please let me know and I'll push it up the "to do" list and finish the essay for posting.
Of course, to make this a discussion, the reader (aka you) will need to offer your perspective. I'll add your comments directly to this section of the essay (or correct or edit other parts as needed). I'll take the liberty to edit lightly if appropriate and will include your contact information to encourage continued discussion.
A: Amazon rainforest droughts, reduced Arctic sea ice, coral reef die off, Greenland ice sheet loss, permafrost thawing, Antarctic ice sheet loss, loss of Boreal forest, and slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).
Q: What are potentially abrupt and irreversible climate change tipping points that are driven by the anthropogenic warming of the planet?
There is abundant evidence that the carbon cycle acts as a selective force that has shaped the evolution of living things. The evidence is equally compelling that human actions are irretrievably altering this natural process and producing detrimental impacts including: increased extinction and decreased biodiversity, significant challenges to human health, and increased economic damage which will be disproportionately more severe on economically challenged communities. Is your organization contributing more to the problems or solutions of global climate change?
Is the topic for this essay one that you are interested in? If yes, please let me know and I'll push it up the "to do" list and finish the essay for posting.
Of course, to make this a discussion, the reader (aka you) will need to offer your perspective. I'll add your comments directly to this section of the essay (or correct or edit other parts as needed). I'll take the liberty to edit lightly if appropriate and will include your contact information to encourage continued discussion.
A: Yes!
Q: Can organizations learn how to be better adapted by considering the perspective that the virtual biome of the internet is analogous to aquatic biological biomes?
In addition to being a critical component inside of the cells of living things, DNA evidence provides strong support that life originated near deep sea hydrothermal vents. The chemicals in these vents and the energy found there could have fueled the chemical reactions needed for the evolution of life. Even as living things moved on to and adapted to terrestrial life, the unique selective forces inherent in aquatic biomes continued to support a stunning diversity of living things adapted for living underwater.
In several significant ways, the different selective forces that shape the communities of aquatic vs terrestrial biomes, are analogous to the different selective forces that shape the virtual biome defined by the internet when compared with the non-virtual, brick and mortar biome. Has your organization adapted its form and function to thrive in two different biomes?
Is the topic for this essay one that you are interested in? If yes, please let me know and I'll push it up the "to do" list and finish the essay for posting.
Of course, to make this a discussion, the reader (aka you) will need to offer your perspective. I'll add your comments directly to this section of the essay (or correct or edit other parts as needed). I'll take the liberty to edit lightly if appropriate and will include your contact information to encourage continued discussion.